Saturday, May 21, 2011

Guess who went to the midnight showing of Pirates 4??

MEEEE! It was really good, even though it had a very different feel to it from the other movies. Maybe it was the absense of Elizabeth, Will, Pintel and Rigetti, and all the other characters we know and love or that it was a different director. At least it still had Gibbs, Barbosa, and most importantly, Jack.

Like always the movie had its humor and its action. The plot was certainly fresh and new, whereas in the third film there was a feeling of the writers not knowing where to go. With this completely new story.

My only complaint is that it was TOO FREAKING LOUD in the theater. Whenever a fight/flight scene came about I had to plug my ears, turn to Lilly (who also and her fingers jammed in her ears), and say, "This part is too epic." But I blame the theater itself for that one, and also myself for wanting to sit front row.

Would I see the movie in theaters again? Yeah, probably, but only if someone wants someone else to go with and they pay (fifteen dollars for my sister and I to see it, jeesh). Will I buy it when it comes out on DVD? Heck to the yes.

My only question now is: Will there be another film? I've heard rumors that this was going to be the start of a new trilogy. I wonder how long Johnny D. will be up for playing Sparrow and how much of the audience will stay and tolerate more of what the writers cook up.

1 comment:

Katie Marie said...

They already lost me after the 2nd one. The third one was just... not my cup of tea. I probably won't see any more of them, unless you guys buy them and I watch them at home with you all :)