Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm An Emotion Train Wreck

Movies that made me cry;
1. The Notebook (Alzheimer disease is just really sad.)
2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (I cried the last five or ten minutes of the movie and then for another hour after it was over.)
3. Click (I think just about everyone who watched this movie cried a little. Who knew a movie with Adam Sandler in it could be so sad.)
4. Mulan II (Shang almost died! I remember crying while eating chocolate ice cream from the bucket, ironically enough.)

Books that made me cry;
1. Breaking Dawn (Those of you who were there know I cried while reading this book. ;D)
2. New Moon (Yeah, I teared up a bit when Edward left.)

Movies and books that made me pissed/frustrated;
1. Serendipity (You know how frustrating it is when two people are looking for each other and they're so close but never get to that other person? It's like a game of tag, but it's even more painful to the people watching it.)
2. Blue Moon (The first book was pretty good, but this book just made me hate all the characters. There are a few characters that I'm constantly wanting to strangle, so that makes the book hard to read.)
3. Tempted (The book really wasn't that good at all. I was disappointed. And I still really hate Zoey...and about everyone else.)

Books that made me laugh;
1. The Devouring (Simon Holt strung along humor with gore, and that I really admired.)
2. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Wow. This book is so funny, and I didn't even finish it! It's just so clever and filled with wit.)

I feel like there are a bunch of others that I'm missing, so I'm going to keep this open, and slowly add on to it when I think of more.


Katie Marie said...

I love the Benjamin Button movie. It's long, but really, really good... makes you laugh and cry, and makes you glad that you aren't born as an old man. (um, what?)

Heidi Rose said...

Haha, Mulan 2. You know, Harry Potter 7 and Breaking Dawn got to me too. The Harry Potter series generally made me cry multiple times.

Lilly Anne said...

HAHAHAHA! That is so funny! Poor Shang!

So true about Blue Moon and Temped. I really hate all the characters in those books now, and I still have to finish the series. Erik can die in the next book along with everyone else, I don't care, and so can Neferet and Kalona. Maybe except for the grandma; she's funny. And Damien is too nice and his knowledge on vocabulary is excellent.

Amy Lauren said...

LOL lilly "poor shang!"

LOL KELLY "This book is so funny, and I didn't even finish it!"

what the heck? haha!