Thursday, January 7, 2010


1. What is your current obsession? Arizona tea, Ramen noodles, and blueberry juice.

2. What are you wearing today? A white sweat shirt with orange lettering that reads, "H-TOWN HOOPS".

3. What’s for dinner? Hopefully cheese burgers.

4. What’s the last thing you bought? I gave my teachers two dollars for a small white, blank book that I need for a book project that's due on the 13th.

5. What are you listening to right now? Hee hee, "Butterfly" by Aqua.

6. What do you think about the person who tagged you? I wasn't tagged at all (*glares at Heidi*). I'm doing this out of sheer boredom and the fact that I enjoy answering questions about myself.

7. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? London, England because I love the English accent, the rain, the different book cover designs, and how they drive on the opposite side of the road.

8. One thing you wanna change about yourself ? I want to be more positive about myself.

9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Iron River where my best friend Chelsea lives.

10. Which language do you want to learn? Japanese. That way I can go to Japan. Oooh, I should of said Tokyo for number seven.

11. What’s your favourite quote? I have too many. They're on my Facebook if you're really curious though.

12 . Would you cook for me? No, mostly because all I can cook is scrambled eggs and Ramen noodles. And cereal.

13. What is the right way to avoid people who purposefully hurt you? Um, ignore them? Obviously...

14. What are you afraid of the most? Dying. I don't know what happens in the afterlife, if there's one at all.

15. Who do you want to meet right now? I don't know. I'm hungry.

16. What is your favourite color? All shades of blue except indigo. *shudder*

17. Give us 3 styling tips that work for you. I have little style. All I do is wear scarves and pea coats.

18. What is your dream job? Author or possible actress.

19. What’s your favorite magazine? I don't read magazines. They bother me.

20. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? Books. Mangas included.

21. What do you consider a fashion faux pas? Moccasins. The fact that Pocahontas managed to start a trend freaks me out.

22. What's a little quirk of yours? I can whistle and hum at the same time.

23. What brings a smile on your face instantly? My eighth hour English class.

24. A word that you say a lot? I don't know what word I say a lot, but I do know I write the word "yeah" a lot.

25. What kind of haircut do you prefer? Short, choppy, spikey, that sort of stuff.

26. What are you going to do after this? Wait for my iPod to be done charging, maybe work a little more on my book report, possibly play my Gameboy that's so recently charged, and most importantly find some dang food to eat.

27. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed? I don't do anything about it. I sit at the computer and let it suck the life out of me while I groan and complain about everything to the people around me.

28. What makes you go wild? Taco dip.

29. What are your favorite movies? You asked for it. My favorite movies are the following: The Blair Witch Project, Notting Hill, Accepted, Austin Powers 1-3, Twilight, New Moon, Overboard, Inkheart, X-Men 1-4, Whip It, Adventureland, Click, Push, The Onion, Final Destination 1-4, The Notebook, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Obsessed, The Dead Poet's Society,The Illusionist, The Prestige, Stay, The Village, Kate & Leopold, Star Trek, Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3, Spiderman 1-3, Batman 1-2, Harry Potter 1-6, Underworld 1-3, Saw 1-5, Scary Movie 1-4, Hot Fuzz, Shawn of the Dead, Mirrors, The Uninvited, Spirited Away, Horton Hears a Who, Wall-E, Casanova, Stay Alive.

30. What inspires you? Beautiful photography on

31. What do your friends call you most commonly? Kelly. Or Krill.

32. Would you prefer coffee or tea? Coffee, even though I only really like the smell. Tea is just weird.

33. Which other blogs do you love visiting? Lola Everyday.

34. Favorite Dessert/Sweet? Bleh, sugary sweets hurt my teeth, so I stopped enjoying them.

35. How many tabs are turned on in your browser right now? Two. Blogger and Facebook.

37. Favorite Season? Spring because of the rain. Ahh, how I love rain.

38.One wish that you really want to see it come true? Me becoming thinner.

39. What breaks your heart? Ridiculous teen drama that sticks to you no matter how hard to try to avoid it. And the worst part is it's all because of the non-existent maturity in high school.

40. What's one thing you really want to do in life? Finish something, like a book.

And because I did this for no apparent reason, I'm not tagging anyone.


Lilly Anne said...

That was hilarious.

Lving in Tokyo might me a bad idea. Think of all the thugs.

Amy Lauren said...

HAHA #15!!!!!!!!!!!!
also, you are thin & beautiful! :)

Katie Marie said...


#21 = funny!

#28 = taco dip makes me go wild too! I shoulda put that on mine...

Kelly, you're so funny.