Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's Time For An Update...

Feeling: Chubby (I keep eating the yummy leftovers!) but productive (I'm planning out a story!).

Loving: Lola, who just ran from the kitchen into the living room.

Reading: Ugh, I seriously think there's something wrong with me. I pick up a book, start reading it, and then put it down, never picking it back up again. Recently I've done this with Alyssa Noel's third installment in the Immortals series Shadowland and Aprilynne Pike's Wings.

Wanting: To get back into "writing mode." I miss it.

Dreaming: About being in a huge chorus and not knowing what to do (that was my dream last night; it was amusing). Haha, no, but I am dreaming about getting into concert choir and wearing black.

Having: Turkey sandwich with organic juice. :D

Waiting: For Chelsea to get online. :/

1 comment:

Katie Marie said...

Kelly, nice post! Except I definitely thought that you were eating a turkey sandwich with organic turkey juice in it and I was very confused. Haha eew.